Get serious about your Digital Marketing.

Our flexible, campaign-based approach means no unnecessary fees, just results. Whether it's driving engagement, boosting donations, or elevating your online presence, we're ready to help you succeed.

556 Digital for Veteran-owned businesses
556 Digital for Veteran-owned businesses
graphs of performance analytics on a laptop screen
graphs of performance analytics on a laptop screen



As veterans ourselves, we share a deep connection with those we serve. We understand the challenges and aspirations unique to veteran-led initiatives and bring this perspective to every campaign. This common ground enables us to create more authentic, impactful marketing strategies that resonate within the veteran community. With 556 Digital Marketing, you're not just getting a service provider; you're gaining an ally who's been in your boots.

  • Social Media Marketing: Make your voice heard and connect with your community. We partner with you to help craft compelling content that engages, inspires, and drives action.

  • Email Marketing: Keep your audience informed and engaged with personalized email campaigns. Whether it's newsletters, announcements, or fundraising efforts, our targeted approach ensures your message hits the mark every time.

  • SEO: Elevate your online presence and get found by those who matter most. Our SEO strategies are designed to increase visibility, improve search rankings, and drive meaningful traffic to your site.

Flexibility is at the heart of what we do. Unlike traditional digital marketing firms that charge monthly fees regardless of need, our campaign-based approach allows you to leverage our expertise exactly when it's most critical. This means you get tailored, impactful marketing campaigns without the commitment of ongoing fees, ensuring every dollar spent maximizes your reach and results.



A US Navy Veteran, Aaron is a 35 year IT professional, and a Unilever Certified Professional Digital Marketing Analyst. An avid entrepreneur, he has owned and operated several businesses over the years. Aaron founded Magna-Arm, LLC in 2008, and grew that company to over $80,000/mo in online sales in 2014. Magna-Arm is now owned by the largest holster manufacturer in the US.

With years of digital media production, drone film work, and website design under his belt, Aaron saw an opportunity to provide even more value to his clients by offering digital marketing services.

In February 2024, 556 Digital Marketing was born, and stands ready to serve.

Aaron Pendergast
Founder & CEO


If you're interested in hearing more about the way we work, have questions, or are interested in getting a quote for your next campaign, we'd love to hear from you.